TUROD Celebrates Teachers & Ohana100

It was early Christmas for kids at Turod Elementary School on October 10, 2016.  It was a day to Celebrate Teachers and Ohana 100 Book Givings.  Students, faculty and parents gathered for this special celebration.  Turod is located in Narvacan, Ilocos Sur, Philippines.

There was a drawing contest and several students won prizes donated by Aunty Rexy and Aunty Ruth.  Thank you to Uncle Herming & Aunty Remy Fines and all other cousins who helped out at this event.

Many thanks to Kevin and Kenneth Fines who worked very hard with elementary school staff to coordinate this amazing day!   GO! READ Turod

Books For Costa Rica

Meaningful Acts of Kindness extended to kids in COSTA RICA,  "THANKS to volunteers Michael B., Matthew B. and Catherine S."  They participated in an Introduction to Medicine- 12 day Adventure in Costa Rica with the Broadreach Program.  They shadowed professionals at the FIMRC and provided support to the disadvantaged, especially the children.  At the end of their service, they gifted books to children at the clinic.  Great Job! GO! READ Costa Rica



We made our first International donation of books to Muraleando, a Community Art Center after school program located in Havana, Cuba that services over 100 children.  The books are gifts for the children to take home and will help build their library.  Founder Manuel Diaz Baldrich expressed a deep appreciation of the gift for the children in his community.  Professor Yoan Hechevarria and student Barbara received the books on behalf of the entire program.  IR! LEER (GO! READ) Muraleando       http://www.havanastreetart.com/muraleando

KDWT Ambassador Catherine helped to distribute books and shared the joy of reading with her new friend Barbara.   Filled with excitement, Barbara said that Corduroy was her favorite book and she was very happy that the book was in both Spanish and English.

Books For Sierra Leone

"Books are heading to Sierra Leone in the next month," according to Andrew T. - Coordinator with Let them LOL.  He received books from KDWT Volunteer Catherine.  In addition to books, third graders from Westminster Charter School rallied to make book marks.  It was a fun and special activity for the kids to do.  GO! READ Sierra Leone